
2024 Practice Guide: Selecting and Managing AI Chatbots 

Client-Only Research

Why Read This Research

Communication practices in higher education have undergone significant changes in the past decade, with institutions increasingly integrating automation to expand their student support capabilities and availability. This guide provides a starting point for higher education institutions evaluating AI chatbots to enhance their campus communication strategies. Explore recommendations for selecting, adopting, and managing an AI chatbot at your institution.

Key Questions Answered

  • What institutional practices support successful AI chatbot adoption?
  • What recommendations can help you successfully select and implement an AI chatbot solution?


  • Software Category in Focus: Chatbots
  • Author: Trevor Skelton, Analyst and Junior Data Scientist, Tambellini Group
  • Research Availability: June 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Practice Landscape
  3. Practice Trends
  4. Practice Recommendations
  5. Conclusion & Methodology

Client-Only Research

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