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Speaker Bio

Trevor Skelton
Analyst; Junior Data Scientist
Tambellini Group

Trevor Skelton improves the efficiency and effectiveness of Tambellini’s market analysis using data-driven methods and modern artificial intelligence (AI) models. He develops new applications using state-of-the-art techniques, supporting Tambellini’s clients with advanced tools and offerings to propel their innovation efforts. Trevor’s knowledge of machine learning, AI, and data science also allows him to meaningfully contribute to Tambellini’s extensive body of research. 

Throughout Trevor’s professional career, he has led new technology adoption efforts to enable organizations to reach their goals. While at EdTec, a leading financial consulting firm dedicated exclusively to charter schools, Trevor specialized in cloud financial systems and data analytics. Then, at Intel, he helped improve the performance of benchmark AI models on modern GPU hardware. Collaborating with application engineers, he utilized his expertise in machine learning together with in-house optimization software to drive a more efficient AI testing methodology. Trevor’s breadth of knowledge and experience gives him a unique perspective and informs his passion for enabling organizations to achieve their goals by leveraging modern technology. 

Higher Education Institutions


Solution Providers & Investors

market insights

Keynote June 17

Katie Drummond, Global Editorial Director, WIRED

Opening Remarks

Ben Nelson, Founder and Board Member, Minerva University

Disrupt or Build? The Innovation Ecology

Dr. Laura Huang, Distinguished Professor, Faculty Director of Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, Northeastern University; Author, Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage

Navigational Leadership in the Era of Augmented Intelligence

Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Data, Chief Digital Officer, University of California, Irvine

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