White Papers

Navigating AI in Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Policies

Client-Only Research

Why Read This Research

As institutions incorporate AI technology, they face privacy, security, and academic integrity challenges. Discover the best practices institutions are using to develop AI policies that help faculty, students, and staff effectively leverage AI technology. Explore recommendations for AI policy improvement as the technology advances.

Key Questions Answered

  • How are institutions balancing the innovative potential of AI with the need to address critical issues that arise from the use of the technology?
  • What are the themes and areas of divergence among institutional AI policies?
  • How can institutions ensure their AI policies remain relevant over time?


  • Software Category in Focus: Chatbots
  • Area in Focus: Artificial Intelligence
  • Author: Alpha Hamadou Ibrahim, PhD, Senior Analyst and Lead Data Scientist, Tambellini Group
  • Research Availability: April 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Analysis of AI Policies in Higher Education
  4. AI Applications Encouraged
  5. Exploration and Experimentation with AI Tools
  6. Suggestions to Improve Policies Development
  7. Conclusion

Client-Only Research

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